Our Products & Services
Morphii is the most innovative ENGAGEMENT TOOL …Engaging MORE people & Accurately Capturing MORE of their experiences.

It’s as if using Morphii to express the intensity of their feelings made respondents think more critically about their experience, and want to tell us more.
Our response rate jumped from 16 to 84% with our first survey using Morphii preferred platform partner RavenCSI.
Morphii's track record for outperforming other experience scales and methodologies on engagement, and its ability to expedite and enhance predictive capabilities made the decision to move forward an easy one.
Morphii is the future of human sentiment data capture. The innovative design is deeply rooted in anthropological and social-psychological sciences. The user experience is highly engaging, leading to higher response rates. The data gives us unmatched insights that will drive better workplaces and better products. Understand your people and get better business results.
Morphii not only provides reliable insights - it fulfills an obligation to make the feedback process more engaging and efficient for respondents, while providing stakeholders with a competitive market differentiator that is simple and cost-effective to deploy using existing technology channels.
Morphii not only drastically improved survey engagement, it enabled us to do what every company desires to do; link emotional responses to behavior – allowing us to prioritize and focus spend where it mattered most to our customers.
Cross-cultural CX research presents unique contextual challenges. Unhindered by language barriers and variations in dialect, Morphii outperformed other qualitative measures to capture emotion in a recent study conducted in both Mexico & Brazil.
Conducting research with kids can be difficult. Often, they don't have the vocabulary, or they struggle to communicate their emotions effectively. Morphii provides the tools they need to overcome language obstacles and select nuanced expressions, while opening the door for rich, meaningful descriptions of their experience that go well beyond the surface-level verbatims and responses we typically extract. The kids tell us that Morphii is easier to understand and a lot more fun - and we have to agree.