Morphii & RavenCSI: New Alliance Simplifies Experience Capture

Capturing experiences using Morphii technology just got a whole lot easier, thanks to an alliance forged with the SaaS survey platform, RavenCSI.
By Liz Gurley
August 23, 2022

We’ve been listening to feedback, too. And, now we’re delivering. Our focus in 2022 has been set on making it easier and more efficient for our customers to take advantage of Morphii by eliminating developmental roadblocks and establishing best practices for asking experience-based questions using our technology. The relationship with RavenCSI achieves both of these milestones with the first ever, fully-embedded execution of the Morphii Widget within a B2B survey platform. This accomplishment marks the completion of our first phase of co-development, but there’s a ton of new functionality and insights capabilities on the roadmap to boost organizations’ efficiency and profitability.

Phase 1: A Library of Morphii Questions Available for Use (Complete)

The RavenCSI platform is all about lean methodology — whether you’re building a survey, or taking it. No code barriers. Fewer clicks. Less wasted motion. All-around, it provides more intuitive design and functionality.

“Morphii inside of RavenCSI seemed like destiny. Its track record for outperforming other experience scales and methodologies on engagement,  and its ability to expedite and enhance predictive capabilities, made the decision to move forward on development an easy one,” said RavenCSI CEO, Brian Boyette.

The first step in this process was to incorporate the Morphii Library of commonly used questions and responses built by the Vizbii team. This Library is an embodiment of best practices developed over years of collaboration with our partners in market research and other experience-driven fields. Its intent is to increase participation, improve precision, and ultimately make it easier for organizations to take action, across industries and use cases. The initial release includes 72 questions to better understand customer, employee, and user experiences (among others), with the intent of expanding the collection of questions and responses according to demand. Moreland explains,

“The first application to use the Library was the Morphii for WordPress Plugin. The goal has always been to take the guesswork out of using a new question and response tool and make the technology more accessible to potential users — regardless of their technical acumen. RavenCSI provides a more refined, accessible, and dynamic platform for capturing and iterating on experiences in real time.”

From a business perspective, this is more than just a strategy for scaling up — it’s also about building better benchmarks to understand how experience is impacting organizations across their respective industries - essentially building a contextual, truly experience-driven environment for understanding performance while driving prescriptions, and informing predictions.

Phase 2: Real-Time Alerts for Experience & Intensity (Early in Development)

For many of its existing question & response types, RavenCSI already has built-in Alert capabilities. This feature allows clients to set trigger criteria that will prompt instant email or SMS text notifications to specific personnel containing action items for real-time service recovery whenever a predetermined response is selected by a respondent.

Bringing this capability to Morphii will be another exciting first, allowing clients to select an experience type (e.g., Frustrated, Disappointed, Delighted) and intensity level (high or low) to signal opportunities for an instant response. Morphii and RavenCSI’s matchmaker and shared customer, the ExperienceBuilt Group (EBG), is already in pilot-mode building a case study with a client with the Phase 1 product, and they’re excited about the functionality coming in Phase 2 of this alliance.

EBG CEO, Tricia Houston shared that she’s “thrilled about the Alert capabilities coming up in Phase 2. Our clients generally operate and make decisions based on experience as we report data back to them; but being able to share data about specific experiences in real time will be a differentiator for our business and theirs. And, adding the accessibility of intensity will eventually help them to hone in on which customers can be addressed more efficiently to help optimize their efforts.”

Also planned for Phase 2 are items like Skip logic functionality to optimize efficiency and flexibility when using the Morphii question type. Basic reporting capabilities, allowing clients to visualize the response counts broken down by experience type are on the roadmap, as well.

Phase 3: Data Visualization and Reporting (On the Road Map)

Maximizing the ROI in Morphii really boils down to being able to separate relationships that have potential (for better or worse) from those that don’t, and infusing business decisions with information that allows you to act with both efficiency and empathy. It has not gone unnoticed that acting on raw Morphii data has proven to be less intuitive than we originally hoped.

Our R&D team is in overdrive testing new strategies to take Morphii data from super interesting to incredibly actionable. We know that how intensely someone experiences any emotion or mental state has a profound impact on determining what behaviors they’re likely to engage in, and whether those behaviors are… more passive or active … more damaging or uplifting. Our goal is to synthesize Morphii data and visualize it in a way that helps prioritize your response by conveying who your most efficiently addressable customers are, right now, whether you’re on damage control or filling the loyalty pipeline. RavenCSI will be the first platform to provide the latest and greatest Morphii visualization techniques, giving their clients a substantial leg-up.

And, there’s more.

When it comes to our co-development with Morphii & RavenCSI, the more we collaborate, the more ideas we have. We’re constantly prioritizing development to maximize functionality and provide our customers with the simplest and most rewarding feedback experience you can get.

We’re always looking for customers who are eager to learn and grow alongside us. If this sounds like you, contact us to schedule a demo today.

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